Friday, December 23, 2011

Modern Drugstores

I developed a severe pain in my left wrist. I had broken it twice in my life. Maybe those misfortunes are coming back to haunt me. I tried taking aspirin but it gave no real relief. External arthritis creams were no better than potions from a medicine show. I was complaining to a friend and she suggested I get a splint. That was a great idea. I go to Walgreens to find a splint. I walk in the store and I see aisles of Christmas stuff, items as seen on TV, candy, sodas, makeup but no splints. I see in the very back of the store, the foot remedy section. I figure maybe next to the ankle wraps I could find a wrist splint. Sure enough, I found them. They had the splints on a rail stuck into the wall with a hook at the end. The first splints on the rail were extra-small. For those who know me nothing needs to be added, for those who don't, I haven't been extra-small since kindergarten. I found that the extra-large splints were in the very back of this rail and the only way to get them was to take off the bunch in front.  I do that and grab the extra-large and when I read the fine print, I notice that it was for the right hand. I had to repeat the process to get the left handed splint. By this time, my wrist is hurting and I am grumpy. I am not paid by the store to restock their rail which in my opinion is a stupid way to stock splints. So I leave a pile of splints below the rail. The splint has really helped the pain which is still there but not so constant.

UPDATE: This thing really worked. The pain has almost stopped. I don't have to wear the splint all the time. If ACE wants me to go on TV and say how it worked, I'm available.

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