Monday, November 1, 2010


In the year 2000, 435,000 people died from a certain drug.  There is another drug that people use that caused no deaths, that is ZERO deaths that year.  Both of these drugs are ingested in the same way.  One drug raises millions of dollars for the government and the other drug the government spends millions of dollars to stop its use.  Given this information, which do you think is the legal drug and which one is banned?  Well, given the logic of governments, the one that caused 435,000 deaths in a single year is legal.  The drug that caused no deaths is illegal.  So what is this?  One is tobacco and the other is marijuana.  Even though tobacco killed more people than any other cause of death in 2000 it is legal.  Marijuana is illegal even though not a single person died from using it in 2000.

At this point if you were to assume that I am voting for Proposition 19 you would be correct.  I do not advocate the use of either of these drugs.  If you are curious as to what drugs I use myself, I am a caffeine addict and I occasionally take aspirin.  However, if you wish to use marijuana, it's not my business and neither should it be the business of any government entity

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