Monday, September 6, 2010

The Border

Here is the solution to the border "problem". First of all, as President Reagan said "Tear down that wall!" Walls are anathema to a free people. Second, stop the silliness at the border crossing. It does no real good. It is a waste of money. Here is the solution. Instead of all the delay at the border have two basic entry lines: Those who are legal and those who need papers to be legal. Those who are legal face a brief or random check, those who need to be legal go to an office and either get tourist papers or work papers. Each of these documents have a fee. For example charge $1200 for an annual work permit. By doing this, we get rid of all undocumented workers. We kill the coyote business and we treat migrant labor with dignity.

You must realize that the only function the fence has today is to keep Mexicans in the United States not out. If you haven't noticed, there is no problem finding illegal aliens in the United States. All you have to do is go to a Home Depot in the morning and you will see plenty of illegals willing and ready to work. Why can't we face facts and just give them a work permit? Most of them have no wish to become US citizens. Most of them like their homeland and plan on returning as soon as the money is made. But because of the fence, they can't go home.

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